Who cares about the Metaverse?

Who cares about the Metaverse? 

The "metaverse" is a term used to describe a shared virtual space, where people can interact with each other and with virtual objects and experiences. It is often imagined as a kind of augmented reality, where the virtual and physical worlds merge. 

Several groups and individuals may be interested in the development and evolution of the metaverse, including: 

• Technology companies and entrepreneurs who see the potential for the metaverse to become a new platform for applications and services 

• Gamers and enthusiasts of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies, who may be excited about the possibility of immersive and interactive virtual experiences 

• Social media companies and marketers may see the metaverse as a new way to engage with users and promote products and services 

• Artists, creators, and content developers, who may be attracted to the potential of the metaverse as a platform for creative expression and storytelling 

• Researchers and academics may be interested in studying the social and cultural implications of the metaverse and its potential impact on society.

Certainly! Here are a few additional points to consider: 

• Governments and policymakers may be interested in the metaverse as a potential source of economic growth and innovation and may seek to regulate or influence its development in various ways. 

• Educational institutions and trainers may see the metaverse as a new platform for learning and training, offering immersive and interactive educational experiences. 

• Healthcare providers and researchers may be interested in the potential of the metaverse for telemedicine and virtual rehabilitation, allowing patients to receive treatment remotely or to practice therapy in a virtual environment. 

• Architects, urban planners, and real estate developers may see the metaverse as a new platform for design and visualization, allowing them to create and test virtual prototypes of buildings, cities, and other structures. 

• Environmental organizations and advocates may see the metaverse as a way to raise awareness about environmental issues or as a platform for virtual conservation and education about wildlife and natural habitats.

Someone tell me why this isn't in any presentation of the meta. How do you put a phone camera on the Quest Pro headset, the most impressive demo of VR I've seen in the last five years?

 But I've been on this whole Metaverse thing for a while, but I think it's time to share them. So buckle up, let's get into it. 

 So Meta's stock is down more than 60% this year. Facebook's growth has been steady, and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg has doubled down on this commitment to the whole metaverse thing, as they continue to pour tons and tons of money into it. like that,


But let's zoom in for a second and start with some definitions. VR is Virtual Reality, you know, putting on a headset and being fully immersed in a new virtual world. 

 AR is Augmented Reality, which overlays virtual objects on top of the real world. I use it a lot in this video. However, both of those things are very difficult to demo. You have to try it and use it to understand and appreciate it. 

 So I know there's a lot of interest in VR, especially lately, and another trend in technology like 3D TVs, so whatever happens to them, or if that's our future, it can be hard to say. Everyone will live like "Ready Player One". Or maybe like "WALL-E". Hard to say. In any case, there is a mega-corporation that is betting all its chips on what is surely our future. 

 That's the meta that is Facebook, with their CEO Mark Zuckerberg. This guy. This guy is right here. And he explained to me several times that they believed in this metaverse thing. And he showed me all this Quest Pro stuff before he announced it on stage. 

 So I should form my opinions on it before the somewhat ugly presentation version we've all seen. The Metaverse may already have a pretty terrible reputation, but let's try to take a step back and look at it objectively as a piece of technology,

5 g Problems and Solutions 

Can we do it? 

 So like I said, VR is one of those things that you have to try to understand and appreciate. But the spectrum of how much people care about the metaverse is hilarious.

 Like a weird obsession with wanting die-hard believers who don't care all the way and don't try VR in their lives, companies hire a chief metaverse officer and metaverse is in every title.

 So it might be hard to answer this, but I think it's pretty simple. The internet we have right now is largely controlled by two things: ads and devices. So if you control the ads, you will be connected to the products that people buy.

 That's basically what Google does. Google's job is to learn everything they can about people and then display ads not just in Google search results, but across the web through Google AdWords. Every online advertising company in the world pays Google. 

 As much as we talk about the Pixel and Google Chrome and Android on this channel, Google is, at its core, an advertising business. Then, if you control the devices people use, you can control what causes people to see. Facebook wanted to make a popular device, but it didn't. 

 Trust me, they tried. But now in 2022, with Facebook being popular, they have saturated the market. They have peaked. They have begun an inevitable, very slow decline. Because of that, they have earned millions of dollars. 

 But now that the iPhone is adding an Ask App Not to Track button, it's taken billions of dollars out of Facebook's ad business. Doesn't hurt Google too much because people still go to google.com and type what they're looking for into a box. Google still knows a lot about humans. So the bottom line is. The bottom line is that Facebook accepts L. 

 You know, they dominated the early parts of the internet and it was great, but now the slow decline has started and they're on to the next big thing. If you look around at all the technologies that could be the next big thing, one thing that's bubbling back to the surface is VR and AR.

 So if Facebook, Meta, can control this VR future as much as possible, the software, the hardware, the ads, the things that catch people's eyes, then they'll take back control and money. Again later. So they rename themselves meta and pay billions and billions of dollars for that exact task. Well, it might be kind of hot stuff,

But the MetaQuest Pro, 

MetaQuest Pro

this headset is $1,500, and I'll explain the thinking behind it in a second, but it's pretty good. It's a good, technical, good headset. It's more comfortable than most I've tried. 

 So they now separate the parts in the middle for the displays and lenses and speakers and buttons on the front, and then the battery on the back. It's lighter than it looks, but I think it's all about balance and weight. Here you'll find that the balance point feels like it's in the middle, which is great. But then put it on and look like this. Here you go. 

 boom And without the fenders on the sides, there is little clearance. And you have peripheral vision light coming from the sides, not above. Inside, there's a custom Snapdragon XR2+ processor, 256 gigs of storage, 12 gigs of RAM, and slim displays and lenses. 

 Then the screens inside offer up to 90 fps at 1,920 by 1,800 per eye. It can do this decent, full-colour passthrough with 10 sensors and cameras scattered around the outside. It's not the best option I've ever seen, but it works and makes you feel like you're in a normal environment. Additionally, there are these new Touch Pro controllers that have cameras and sensors.

 And they all charge in the same dock via a few pins, which you'll often find yourself doing because unfortunately the headset only has about 1.5 hours of battery life when unplugged.

 But inside there's also a set of sensors that face your face for face tracking, just to face your eyes. Well, now I see an alien's face, but what's a little more interesting is that the alien's face shows, in real-time, what the headset is doing to my face. 

The new 10th-generation iPad is different! 

So every expression I make, every little facial movement or eye movement, even the little things like the little muscles in your face when you talk and the little micro-expressions you make. So if I was in a virtual world (laughs) trying to express emotions to another person, they would see everything.

 That's cool. Both VR and AR worked well with this headset, but at the end of the day, it still looks great, and it's a great headset. It also does not fold down. So if you want to travel with it, you'll need a bag or backpack. This version may not inspire you. Zuckerberg keeps telling me, you know, people always buy a new $2,000 machine as their desktop computer, which might someday replace it. 

 But this may not appeal to you. But theoretically, in a couple of years, its new version will be much, much smaller, closer to a regular pair of glasses. And then further down the road, another version could be even smaller, maybe even lighter, like Google Glass. And then ultimately it's an incredible, really small piece of technology. So, theoretically, if you pour enough money and talent into something, it will become amazing, which brings me to my next point.

Is this the future of Metaverse? 

 This is the real question here. Every time I see a new VR headset pop up, whether it's the Pico Pro headset or the Meta Quest Pro or something like that, the question is always, is this VR thing going to be the future? It's cool, the technology, it works and all, but are we going to spend meaningful time in VR at some point? The answer, of course, depends on who you ask. 

 I feel like I've noticed the younger person you're talking about will want to give VR a chance or try it more often. But if you ask Meta, if you ask anybody in leadership at Meta, yes, absolutely, 100%, this is the future where we're all going to live using VR forever. Metaverse for sure.

Now, of course, they have to believe it, because the whole company has a huge shipping barrel in that right direction. But seeing everything at the MetaConnect keynote was pathetic and awkward, and the more you look, the more it crystallizes their entire plan. Basically, 

Step one: think of all the things people typically do on the Internet. 

 Step Two: Build those things in VR, then pour tons of money into them. And then it's the whole project. If you have the time and you get to watch that presentation, it's repetitive where they realize that people are doing certain things in real life, and then they want to bring that into VR. 

Meta vs meta Pro video

 Oh, you want to do this? Here's the VR version. Oh, do you do this differently? Here's the VR version. again and again. And, for them, anyway, convincing people to use the VR version becomes the thing that makes the VR version so much better. Hopefully better than the real-life version. 

 I guess this is where my hot tag comes in, which is that some of these VR applications are scary good and starting to look better than the non-VR version. And for the meta, if they can get these things real enough, they'll make this metaverse thing. - Gretchen, stop trying to pick up. 

 It won't happen. - Well, some are easier than others, right? Gaming, yes. There are already some good games in VR. Now, we need to work on getting more variety of games, better reliability, and more. Pouring money into this ecosystem will entice developers to improve games faster and make better games, which is great. But there is more to life than sports.

The FAQ&S 

What else will people be doing all day in 2022? 

Magnify calls?

 OK, that's right. Yes, they've got Zoom calls, but better. They have created a full virtual meeting room experience where you can video conference with others in VR. So, if some of your friends or coworkers don't have VR headsets, you know it's okay. They will be displayed as a floating video feed in the Metaverse.

 But now with meetings in meetings, you can talk to people around you, breakout meeting rooms instantly, really nice, immersive presentations and more. Now,​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​frontier, just now, as you say, all these are using these avatars. And I think these are bad. They are very scary. That means you can customize them with different things. Different hair and features and clothes and piercings, and so on. 

 It's kind of neat, sure, but you still feel like a bunch of Nintendo Wii's Mii characters meet Metaverse. But it's quite a pause because we saw the meta announce this live avatar demo, and it looked wild to me. You can use your phone to scan you, and then the headset takes that and puts a photorealistic version of you in a virtual environment, complementing that face tracking and eye tracking and everything we talked about earlier. That's super next-level.

The problem of meta-narrative. 

I have only one problem with all of this, which is that one company controls the entire foundation of this second-generation Internet, this metal wares if you want to call it, is a terrible idea. So it comes down to the meta wanting to control this future as much as possible. Facebook was built on someone else's foundation. 

 They want to build the next foundation and be responsible for everything that grows on top of it: workspaces, games, experiences, everything. 

 So they're pouring as much money into it now as they can to get as far ahead as possible. Now, a lot of companies are making cool VR stuff along the same lines right now, don't get me wrong. There's the Pico headset I showed you. 

 There's so much stuff from Google and we're all expecting Apple to release their VR headset in the next year or so, which I think makes Meta a little nervous because Apple will make sure it's the best. iPhone users. 

 But Meta has already, you know, made a lot of mergers, developed a lot of technology, bought a lot of VR companies and VR studios, and it's disappointing, but it's like if there's any company that can bring this technology. To make it a thing, it's meta. 

 But this company, in particular, having so much control over people and the future of the internet and doing crazy things like using eye tracking to make sure they see certain ads is more than I'd like. Root for everything.

 I've said it before, but when companies truly compete, that's when we truly win. When there's a real incentive to excel, competition makes them better, and that's when we get great things. But man, Mark's metal wares may or may not make the money meta thing more mainstream. Thanks for watching. Catch you later guys. 

Solution for The problem of meta-narrative. 

One way to approach the problem of meta-narrative is to consider how different narratives intersect and influence one another. For example, a personal narrative can be shaped by cultural and societal narratives, and in turn, can help to shape the larger cultural and societal narrative. At the same time, an individual's narrative can be influenced by historical events and circumstances, and can also contribute to the shaping of historical narratives. 

Another aspect of the problem of meta-narrative is the role of power and representation in the creation and dissemination of narratives. The stories that are told and the way they are told can reflect and reinforce existing power dynamics, or they can challenge and disrupt them. Examining how different perspectives and voices are included or marginalized in different narratives can be a key part of understanding the problem of meta-narrative. 

It can also be helpful to consider the function of narrative in society and how it shapes our understanding of the world. The narrative serves many purposes, such as providing meaning and context for events, helping us to make sense of our experiences, and allowing us to connect with others. It can also be used to influence and persuade, or to reinforce certain beliefs and values. Understanding the role of narrative in shaping our understanding of the world can help us to better navigate the problem of meta-narrative.

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